Industry steps up calls for labelling nano-sunscreens, cosmetics

Cosmetics and sunscreen industry group ACCORD has called the Australian government’s refusal to label nanoparticles in sunscreens and cosmetics “out of touch”. In a story on Radio National’s AM, the industry has repeated its calls for labelling...

Nano-silver putting lives at risk

7,000 Australians die each year from infections picked up in hospitals. This shocking loss of life is four times the annual road toll. Overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the problem, by promoting the development of more powerful bacteria that are resistant to...

Channel 10’s ‘The Project’ features nano-sunscreens

The nano-sunscreen debate is reaching ever wider audiences. Channel ten TV show The Project interviewed the FoEA Nanotechnology Project’s Dr Gregory Crocetti on the risks of nano-sunscreens and our calls for government action. Watch here...
Hasselhoffs to Health Minister: Please regulate nano-sunscreens

Hasselhoffs to Health Minister: Please regulate nano-sunscreens

Coinciding with David Hasselhoff’s visit to Sydney, a crew of 20 Sydney-siders and Friends of the Earth members dressed up as beach safety icon ‘The Hoff’ to bring their concerns about the safety of nano-sunscreens to the office of the new Minister...