Nanosilver – a threat to soil, water and human health?

In response to the ever increasing number of consumer products containing silver nanoparticles (cling wrap, refrigerators, washing machines, socks, tooth paste), Friends of the Earth Australia has prepared a detailed background paper (download below) on the threat of...

NSW Greens call for nano moratorium

Warning that nanomaterials could be the “21st century asbestos”, NSW Greens MLC Lee Rhiannon has called for a moratorium on the sale of all products that contain nanomaterials until adequate regulation is in place to manage the health and environment risks...

Who’s afraid of the precautionary principle?

The “precautionary principle” has become the proverbial giant elephant in the nano-living room. Leading advocates for the “responsible development” of nanotechnology acknowledge that nanomaterials may present serious health and environmental...

Nanotechnology enters the global food chain

Cola-tasting nano-milk and fat-reduced nano-mayonnaise are just two of the nanotechnology-based food products in the pipeline from Wageningen University in Holland. The fact that these researchers were prepared to talk about their work is unusual – use of...