7,000 Australians die each year from infections picked up in hospitals. This shocking loss of life is four times the annual road toll. Overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the problem, by promoting the development of more powerful bacteria that are resistant to...
A long-awaited review of New Zealand (Aotearoa)’s nanotechnology regulation has found so many gaps that nano researcher Professor Simon Brown has told the NZ Science Media Centre, "the regulatory system is simply not working". Stephanie...
Confidential documents obtained under Freedom of Information reveal that the Federal Government does not support labelling of nanomaterials for informed choice. The excerpt from the Australian Government Position on the NSW government’s nanotechnology inquiry...
In what may be a world first, Australia’s national sunscreens regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, has ordered a sunscreen company to stop advertising its product as “not nano”. The co-regulatory body of the TGA is not alleging that the...
Standards Australia’s new proposal to let companies raise SPF ratings from 30+ to 50+ has been greeted with controversy. The Cancer Council has expressed concern that although extra sun protection offered will be minimal (1.3%), the much higher rating could give...