Following moves in the United Kingdom and Australia, Canada has taken action to ban the use of manufactured nanomaterials and nanotechnology in organics. The Organic and Non-GMO Report reveals that an amendment was added to Canada’s national organic rules banning...
The Australian newspaper reports on the worst damage to the Great Barrier reef ever caused by a ship. The 100,000 tonne coal carrier the Shen Neh 1 “pulverised” a 3km section of the reef in the 9 days it was stranded on the coral. Now scientists warn that...
The emerging policy debate about nanotechnology has tended to focus on the immediate health and environmental risks of nanoparticles. This is understandable – everyone cares about safety. But in the economic and political rush to invest big in nanotechnology and...
FOEA and others have long been concerned that the chance of greater sun damage to skin is not the only potential health risk posed by nano-sunscreens. Now a new test tube study has found that nanoparticles of zinc oxide, a common sunscreen ingredient, are...
For the first time, researchers have shown that nanoparticles can cross the human placenta, meaning that they could be transferred from mothers to unborn babies. The study showed that plastic nanoparticles up to 240nm in size crossed a human placenta (taken from...