German authority warns consumers to avoid nano-products

Reflecting growing high level unease about the safety risks of products produced nanomaterials, in a new report the German Federal Office for Environmental Protection (UBA) has called for consumers to avoid using nano-products until regulations are introduced to...

Time for technology democracy

The reality of the Australian government’s approach to nanotechnology belies its stated commitment to social democracy, writes Griffith University senior lecturer Dr Kristen Lyons in the Sydney Morning Herald, Age and Brisbane Times newspapers. "Communities...

Time for technology democracy

The reality of the Australian government’s approach to nanotechnology belies its stated commitment to social democracy, writes Griffith University senior lecturer Dr Kristen Lyons in the Sydney Morning Herald, Age and Brisbane Times newspapers....

A link between nanoparticles and Alzheimer’s disease?

AzoNano reports that scientists at the University of Ulster are investigating a link between manufactured nanoparticles, such as titanium dioxide found in sunscreens and cosmetics, and Alzheimer’s disease. Exposure to some nanoparticles can cause proteins to...