Georgia Miller from Friends of the Earth Australia (via video link) joined Sue Davies from UK consumer group Which? and Professor Vyvyan Howard representing the Soil Association in giving evidence to the UK House of Lords Inquiry into Nanotechnologies and Food....
NGOs had hoped that the recent Second International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) which took place in Geneva would support urgent action to curb the new toxicity risks associated with nanomaterials. Last year’s International Forum on Chemical Safety...
Just like with genetic engineering, nanotechnology’s use in foods is unpopular. Public opinion surveys, included a survey of 1010 people commissioned last year by FoEA, have shown that people would prefer to keep untested, potentially unsafe nanoparticles out of...
European industry group Cefic has expressed frustration with stakeholder dialogue on nanotechnology. Cefic’s executive director of research and innovation complained that “each discussion begins with a rehearsal of old arguments and fails to move debate...
“A new report by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) stated that nanotechnology is causing concern over the risks it poses to workers. Nanoparticles were placed at the top of the list of substances in the report entitled Expert Forecast...