
mad scientist 484

Technologies we don’t need…and that could destroy life on earth

Welcome to #CrazyTech, a list of some of the newest idiotic, dangerous, delusional and just plain crazy technologies. We are approaching the list with a light-hearted spirit of ridicule and contempt – but in reality, we find the thought of most of these technologies quite terrifying. Don’t get us wrong – we’re not saying new technologies are bad. We’re saying they should be safe, effective and meet genuine public need – not be driven by corporations to maximise profit. The research and development of new technologies should be open to public debate and the entire life cycle of the technology considered – not just the use. With crazy new technologies constantly emerging, we can’t spot them all. So we’d love your help. You can use #crazytech on twitter, and email us with examples of the latest crazy technology so we can add them to our list.


Stupid technologies we don't need..... Crazytech
And that could destroy life on Earth.
