Friends of the Earth concludes that the National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan is inadequate because it fails to meaningfully address the environmental, health and safety aspects of nanotechnology and because the plan has a clear commercial bias. FoE calls...
A submission by FoEA to the European Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks regarding the potential health and environmental risks associated with the increasing use of nano-silver. In hospitals nano-silver is used extensively for the...
The updated Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory now contains 1,628 consumer products that have been introduced to the market since 2005, representing a 24 percent increase since the last update in 2010. In addition to finding new products introduced to the...
A new report in the journal Nature Nanotechnology has found that ultra-fine grains, nanoparticles commonly used in our drugs and processed foods could change the surface structure of our intestinal lining. Nanoparticles like titanium dioxide or aluminium silicate are...
An interesting article in Food Safety News describes the huge enthusiasm from the food industry for using nano-ingredients in food. Despite this, the reporter found that few companies would admit whether or not they were using it now. Many Eager to Use Nano in Food,...