Submission re. SCENIHR’s preliminary opinion on nanosilver

A submission by FoEA to the European Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks regarding the potential health and environmental risks associated with the increasing use of nano-silver.  In hospitals nano-silver is used extensively for the...
Conclusions that nano-ingredients in sunscreen are safe are premature

Conclusions that nano-ingredients in sunscreen are safe are premature

Recent media reports that “nanoparticles in sunscreen are harmless” on the basis of a recently published study don’t reflect the paper’s own conclusions nor the current state of the science. Whilst the results of this lab study study are interesting, more studies are...

Conclusions that nano-ingredients in sunscreen are safe is premature

Recent media reports that “nanoparticles in sunscreen are harmless” on the basis of a recently published study don’t reflect the paper’s own conclusions nor the current state of the science. Louise Sales, Friends of the Earth’s Nanotechnology Project Coordinator...