A series of experiments have demonstrated that when introduced into the lungs of rodents, carbon nanotubes cause inflammation, granuloma development, fibrosis, arte ry ‘plaque’ responsible for heart attacks and DNA damage. Two independent studies have shown that...
Nanotechwire.com news service warns that the US “EPA Nanotechnology Voluntary Program Risks Becoming a ‘Black Hole'”. The service reports that: “Six months after launching its voluntary reporting program for nanomaterial producers, EPA has made...
‘Geo-engineering’ is the ultimate in pursuit of high risk ‘techno-fixes’ to the world’s big ecological problems. Its proponents want to use technology to attempt to ‘re-engineer’ the environment, for example by fertilising the ocean to produce huge...
Australian Greens Senator Christine Milne has a long-standing interest in nanotechnology and new technology issues. In the June Government Estimates hearings, Senator Milne grilled Innovation Minister Senator Kim Carr, the head of the Department’s Innovation...
Mesothelioma.com, “the authority on mesothelioma and asbestos cancer”, have published an information sheet that warns that exposure to nanotubes could pose similar risks to those of asbestos. “Current research suggests that exposure to carbon-based...