The European Trade Union Confederation, representing 82 European trade unions, has called for the “no safety data, no market” principle to be applied to nanoparticles. In its new statement the ETUC “calls on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to refuse to register...
The Council of Canadian Academies has released a new report which warns that the health and environmental risks posed by nanomaterials are both serious and poorly understood. The CCA report also warns that “current [Canadian] regulatory triggers are not...
Our new report reveals that at least 104 food, food packaging and agricultural products containing nano-ingredients are now on sale internationally. These include diet replacement milkshakes, cooking oil, tea and fortified fruit juice; food additives sold for use in...
Australian academics have published a wide-ranging analysis (download paper below) of nanotechnology’s likely transformation of food and agricultural systems. Dr Gyorgy Scrinis and Dr Kristen Lyons write: “Nanotechnology is attracting large-scale...
Concerned about nano? Have your say! The NSW Parliament is now holding a public inquiry into nanotechnology. This is one of the first opportunities members of the public and civil society groups have been given to make comment on Australia’s handling of nano...