Proposed European nano regulation is inadequate

As the European Commission undertakes public consultation regarding its proposed regulation of nanomaterials, Tatiana Santos from the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) explains why none of the options on the table are good enough. In its Second Regulatory Review of...

Nanomaterials in the environment: an unknown risk

Scientists are only just beginning to understand the potential risks associated with releasing nanomaterials into the environment. These include potentially harmful effects on soil and water organisms. Despite growing evidence of potential harm, a new study suggests...

Late lessons from early warnings

Governments are failing to properly regulate nanotechnology according to a hard-hitting new report released by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Despite early warnings of the damage some nanomaterials could cause, governments are still reacting too slowly to...

More evidence of nanomaterial toxicity

In the past few months a number of studies have emerged demonstrating the potential for nanomaterials to cause harm to human health and the environment. New research published in Toxicology Sciences this August found that inhaling tiny fibres made by the...