Leading cosmetics certifier gives nano-sunscreen ultimatum

One of Europe’s leading certifiers of organic and natural cosmetics, ECOCERT, has given Australian sunscreen ingredient manufacturer Antaria Limited until the end of the week to respond to allegations that its ZinClear IM product is a nanomaterial. After this, ECOCERT...

Exposure to nanomaterials can have serious health impacts

Groundbreaking research by scientists from Trinity College Dublin has found that exposure to nanomaterials can have a serious health impacts, potentially causing rheumatoid arthritis and the development of other serious autoimmune diseases. The research raises serious...

Sunscreen scandal questions and answers

For an introduction to the issue please see our fact sheet What’s the basic story? We have revealed that a major Perth-based sunscreen ingredient manufacturer –Antaria Limited – appears to have been misrepresenting the nano-content of the product ZinClear IM....