Geopiracy: Patent law, climate change, and geoengineering

Geopiracy: Patent law, climate change, and geoengineering

Patent law is a regime of intellectual property, which provides exclusive rights regarding scientific inventions, which are novel, inventive, and useful. There has been much debate over the limits of patentable subject matter relating to emerging technologies. The...
The New Sorcerer’s Apprentices?

The New Sorcerer’s Apprentices?

Climate scientists have watched with mounting alarm as carbon dioxide concentrations have increased relentlessly. The anxiety has deepened each year as it has become clearer that the range of emissions paths mapped out by experts in the 1990s and early 2000s were...

Don’t leave technology policy to the ‘experts’

It is precisely Henry Miller’s attitude of leaving policy and technology development to the ‘experts’ that has left us in the position we find ourselves today. The development of nuclear technology has resulted in the Fukishima disaster and the proliferation of...

20 reasons why geo-engineering is a bad idea

Plans by a German and Indian research team to dump iron particles in the sea off Chile in the latest ‘geo-engineering’ ocean fertilisation attempt have triggered serious concern. If you’re interested in finding out more about the controversial field...