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Independent testing has found potentially harmful nanoparticles in a range of food products.
Done deals and revolving doors: the story of GM in Australia
Australians are famously early adopters of new technologies. Despite this, most of us are opposed to genetically modified (GM) food crops and are concerned about the multinational industries and lack of regulation surrounding these. Every independent survey of...
Corporate corruption of science and its effects on workers and the environment
Although occupational and environmental diseases are often viewed as isolated and unique failures of science, the government, or industry to protect the best interest of the public, they are in fact an outcome of a pervasive system of corporate priority setting,...
Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Is it impossible to learn from history?
It seems we have lost the ability to learn from our past mistakes when it comes to protecting the environment and health. This is the depressing conclusion from the report Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Precaution, Science, Innovation published by the European...
Chain Reaction Magazine
The July 2014 edition of Chain Reaction - The National Magazine of Friends of the Earth Australia is now available to download.
The New Sorcerer’s Apprentices?
Climate scientists have watched with mounting alarm as carbon dioxide concentrations have increased relentlessly. The anxiety has deepened each year as it has become clearer that the range of emissions paths mapped out by experts in the 1990s and early 2000s were...