Corporate efforts to impede renewable energy

Corporate efforts to impede renewable energy

On 6 May 2004, the then prime minister of Australia, John Howard, and the then industry minister, Ian Macfarlane, were participating in a meeting of the Lower Emissions Technology Advisory Group, which comprised CEOs of the major fossil fuel producing and consuming...
Corporate influence over nanotechnology regulation

Corporate influence over nanotechnology regulation

I recently attended an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) seminar on the risk assessment and risk management of nanomaterials. This was an eye-opening experience that graphically illustrated the extent of corporate influence over...
Corporate influence over nanotechnology regulation

Done deals and revolving doors: the story of GM in Australia

Australians are famously early adopters of new technologies. Despite this, most of us are opposed to genetically modified (GM) food crops and are concerned about the multinational industries and lack of regulation surrounding these. Every independent survey of...