FSANZ prioritises private interests over public health

FSANZ prioritises private interests over public health

Friends of the Earth recently published test results showing that – contrary to the claims of our food regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) – nanomaterials are present in foods in Australia. They are widespread, untested, unapproved and...
A new branch of science is born!

A new branch of science is born!

As activists we all know how important science can be in the work we do. Whether we work on biodiversity issues, climate issues or on issues around emerging technologies, we are deeply immersed in and dependent on a world framed by scientific knowledge. Well, happy...
Academics challenge the privatised university

Academics challenge the privatised university

Academics from across Australia and New Zealand are descending on Brisbane for the next two days to discuss how to challenge the increasing corporatisation of universities, which is drastically reducing the quality of research and academic life. Challenging the...
Help us stop the Government from deregulating GMOs by stealth

Help us stop the Government from deregulating GMOs by stealth

Friends of the Earth is concerned that the Government’s moves to delete the definitions of GMO (genetically modified organism) and GM product from the Food Standards Act are an attempt to deregulate risky new genetic engineering techniques by stealth. Furthermore, it...