Study raises more questions about the use of nanoparticles in food

Study raises more questions about the use of nanoparticles in food

Friends of the Earth has renewed its calls for a recall of food products containing nanomaterials following the release of a new study  which found that titanium dioxide (TiO2) in food is absorbed into the human bloodstream. The calls follow the release of independent...
FSANZ has its head in the sand regarding nanoparticles in food

FSANZ has its head in the sand regarding nanoparticles in food

Following Friends of the Earth’s revelations that potential harmful nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silica (SiO2) in a range of food products our food regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has issued a statement in response. This is an...
Third Way – no way. Flannery’s misplaced hope

Third Way – no way. Flannery’s misplaced hope

Tim Flannery’s new book, Atmosphere of Hope, is supposed to offer us a ‘third way’ – new solutions to climate change. It makes for a depressing read. The book seems to leap from a kind of hopelessness into wishful thinking and an almost reckless faith in...
Semantically engineered crops

Semantically engineered crops

Big agrochemical companies such as Dow, Bayer and Monsanto are experimenting with a range of new genetic engineering (GE) techniques that they misleadingly refer to as ‘New Plant Breeding Techniques’. These are being used to introduce traits such as herbicide and...