Is nano-silica safe? – who knows?

Is nano-silica safe? – who knows?

The European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has found that there is inadequate data to conclude that the use of nano-silica in cosmetics is safe. And yet nano-silica is still being used – not only in cosmetics – but also in our...
The Catholic church confronts capitalism and technology

The Catholic church confronts capitalism and technology

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment – Laudato Si’ – is a powerful piece of doctrine coming from a church with a long and rather uninspiring history when it comes to both social justice and environmental care. Not only is the document a call for action on...
APVMA still has head in the sand regarding nano agrichemicals

APVMA still has head in the sand regarding nano agrichemicals

A new report released by our agricultural chemicals regulator the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) this week shows that they are still failing to address the risks posed by the use of nanomaterials in agrichemicals. The regulator still...
What is FSANZ hiding?

What is FSANZ hiding?

Our food regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has refused to release key documents regarding its decision to exclude nanomaterials from its current food packaging review, raising serious questions about what the agency is trying to hide. FSANZ is...
New study shows nano sunscreen ingredients can harm sea urchins

New study shows nano sunscreen ingredients can harm sea urchins

A new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, found that nano zinc oxide – used in many sunscreens and some toothpastes and beauty products—makes sea urchin embryos much more vulnerable to other environmental toxins. Nano-copper...