The Catholic church confronts capitalism and technology

The Catholic church confronts capitalism and technology

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment – Laudato Si’ – is a powerful piece of doctrine coming from a church with a long and rather uninspiring history when it comes to both social justice and environmental care. Not only is the document a call for action on...
Time for a ban on certain sorts of genetic engineering?

Time for a ban on certain sorts of genetic engineering?

Scientists recently captured mainstream media attention with calls for a ban on human germline editing  – the genetic engineering of human DNA passed on from one generation to the next. The scientists are deeply concerned about the ethical and safety...
Synthetic biology

Synthetic biology

The field is evolving so rapidly that even scientists working in it don’t agree on a definition, but in essence synthetic biology (synbio) is an extreme version of genetic engineering. Instead of swapping genes from one species to another (as in genetic engineering),...
Government’s deregulatory extremism puts public at risk

Government’s deregulatory extremism puts public at risk

We are surrounded by regulation. Every moment of our waking and sleeping lives is populated with a vast regulatory network. There are thousands of regulations relating to our homes, our clothes, our foods, the way we drive, the places we work, the wages we receive,...