Cloud zapping

Cloud zapping

Ok, climate change – and the lack of concerted global action – demands some radical thinking, but some ideas are beyond the pale. Geoengineering, the manipulation of the earth’s systems in order to address climate change, is crazy enough. It has been born out of...
Permanently changing a species: What could go wrong?

Permanently changing a species: What could go wrong?

No commercial or environmental release of gene drives, says Friends of the Earth. The National Academies of Sciences has released a new report, which calls for robust safety assessments for “gene drive modified organisms.” The NAS says the controversial new genetic...
This time FSANZ has gone too far!

This time FSANZ has gone too far!

Our food regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has misrepresented the findings of two independent reports it commissioned on the safety of nanomaterials in food and food packaging. The reports were supposed to have been completed by June 2015 but were...
The PM’s Innovation Strategy fails the public good test

The PM’s Innovation Strategy fails the public good test

Innovation has long been embraced uncritically in Australia at all levels. Governments embrace innovation with a kind of cargo cult mentality that if one innovates, prosperity will fall from the sky. And we’re at it again. Under the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull,...
FSANZ takes no action on nanoparticles in baby formula

FSANZ takes no action on nanoparticles in baby formula

Recent independent testing found risky nanoparticles deemed unsafe for use in toothpaste in baby formula available online in Australia. In response, Friends of the Earth is calling for an urgent recall of any baby formula containing these nanoparticles until safety...