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Independent testing has found potentially harmful nanoparticles in a range of food products.


GM animals will intensify factory farming and may harm our health

GM animals will intensify factory farming and may harm our health

As Australia is poised to become one of the first countries in the world to deregulate several new genetic modification techniques in animals, a new report highlights the urgent need for safety assessment and regulatory oversight.   Take action! Keep GM animals...

Prominent Tasmanians warn of threat to GMO moratorium

Prominent Tasmanians warn of threat to GMO moratorium

Federal Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, Senator Nick McKim and smallholder and writer Matthew Evans have joined forces to warn that proposed amendments to the Federal Gene Technology Regulations will undermine Tasmania’s GMO moratorium. The Tasmanian Government recently...

Changes to our Gene Technology Regulations will put us all at risk

Changes to our Gene Technology Regulations will put us all at risk

The Australian government is tearing up regulations that were put in place to protect us from potentially dangerous genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Changes to the Gene Technology Regulations currently tabled in Federal Parliament will leave the majority of new...

Antibiotic resistant bacteria genes found in gene edited cattle

Antibiotic resistant bacteria genes found in gene edited cattle

Scientists from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have discovered that cattle gene edited not to grow horns unexpectedly contain bacterial DNA. These include complete DNA sequences that confer resistance to three different antibiotics. The study demonstrates...

Some great news

Some great news

We’ve had a fantastic breakthrough in our campaign to try to stop the Federal Government from tearing up regulations that are designed to keep us safe. Last week, Greens Senator Janet Rice submitted a motion to disallow proposed changes to the Gene Technology...


Stupid technologies we don't need..... Crazytech
And that could destroy life on Earth.
